& Street Kung Fu
In Just 100 Days
What is Iron Palm?
A Weapon That's Always With You
An Iron Palm is a hand that can deliver powerful, destructive hits without taking damage to your hand.
If you hit the opponent / assailant one time on their hand or arm, they will be damaged (maybe permanently). If you hit them on the head, they can’t continue to fight and are most likely knocked out cold.
The benefit of Iron Palm is that it enables you to have a
personal weapon with you everywhere you go. It's like
you instantly have a brick or a heavy piece of steel.
An Iron Palm hit can break bones. With time and training it can easily project force inside a person and disrupt or destroy their internal organs.
It's easiest to split Iron Palm into two major families:
External Iron Palm
External Iron Palm methods often involve intense conditioning exercises done over time to "harden" the hand.
If you do not follow explicit instructions directly under the guidance of a live instructor, External Iron Palm training can badly damage you.
External Iron Palm methods can give you very powerful hits, but they are a bit crude.
Internal Iron Palm
Internal Iron Palm is a high level training method from Tai Chi Chuan.
These methods include Qigong practices and Internal Power skills that keep your hands soft and pliable while making them very poweful.
Internal Iron Palm can do more than just surface damage:
These strikes can injure bones, organs, joints, or even cause damage like whiplash.
How am I supposed to beat an Iron Palm guy?
"Don't Get Hit."
        -Tyrone Jackson
Who Taught Richard Clear Iron Palm?
(pardon the grainy old photos)
Yang Tai Chi Lineage
Sigung Tyrone Jackson
Grandmaster Tyrone Jackson knew quite a few methods of iron palm, but the very first one he showed me was simple enough.
It developed a very basic form of Iron Palm without damaging your hand. It was powerful enough, but he had quite a bit more to teach, and during my years of study with him I pried out more and more of his secret methods.
Lineage Inheritor
You'll notice from the names to the left that Tyrone's lineage runs through Lee Ying Arng -- the man who wrote the original Iron Palm in 100 Days. While it's pretty hard to learn much from the book alone, Tyrone learned those methods live and in person from Dr. Fred Wu.
Lee's methods were passed on to me through my teachers, and I've been teaching them openly for over 30 years.
Willem deThouars (Uncle Bill)
Uncle Bill is one of the last remaining legends in the Martial arts world. Even now in his mid 80s he is the most dangerous person I've ever met. He's famous for denting steel doors, (and even a dumpster) with his punches.
He learned Iron Palm from a large number of systems ranging from Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Bagua, and Serak Silat -- and he has learned from some of the most skilled masters in the world. 
I've been privileged to have Uncle Bill as my teacher for over 25 years now, and one day he decided to give me an unexpected test of my skills in internal strikes – one that could have killed me if I hadn't really owned these skills!
When I passed the test, Uncle certified me on the spot. He also gave me the "hand bolt" symbol, telling me "This is your symbol – you have this skill."
At his direction, I've used it for my school and my students ever since.
Uncle and I are "Hanging Loose!"
My Training With Iron Palm
What I THOUGHT was going to happen... (This is what happens now! That's me breaking the block.)
Hitting Beneath The Surface
Back when I was training with Tyrone, I had laid a Paving Stone across two stacks of cinder blocks, and I spent a good long while trying to break the paver.
After a while, I started to get frustrated because the block wasn't breaking. As I lifted the block to put it away, the cinder blocks CRUMBLED.
I called Tyrone to ask him if this was normal and -- after laughing at me a little more than I liked -- he said yes.
The Internal Iron Palm method that I was using (and the one that I most commonly teach) can deliver force INSIDE a target.
More Surprises:
One day I was kind of just smacking stuff casually with my Iron.
I was sitting at a table, not really thinking much about it, and I struck the table I was at just to hear the noise.
Directly in front of me, right within sight, there was an open cabinet about 20ft away- and one of the cups JUMPED an inch or two into the air and fell out of the cabinet and on the the floor.
I didn't intend to do that --
But It Got Me Curious
I decided to see how far I could actually send force.
Where I lived at the time, we had an tiny 3 room house on our property we were demolishing.
I was hitting the outer wall and kept aiming deeper and deeper. Before I knew it I struck the house on one side, and broke a window ON THE OTHER SIDE. The force had transferred all the way through, after wrapping around the corners.
Dangerous (But Easy to Find)
Iron Palm Training Methods
This method shows real results... 
but they come at a price.
The "Materials" Method
This is the most common one you hear about.
It's also very dangerous without precise instruction and early supervision. I don't recommend this method.
Basically, you hit materials repeatedly in order to condition the hand. They start soft, and you graduate to harder and harder materials as you go.
This is a very slow method that takes time to adjust to each material -- and I cannot stress enough just how easy it is for things to go wrong if you don't know exactly what you're doing.
This method works by creating small fractures in the hand, which then forces your body to build itself back up. It usually requires very specific "Jows" (palm liniments) between sessions to repair the damage that the training does to your hand.
Using Heated Liquids
Did I mention danger?
If the last one made you wince, the next one is a real test of grit. (I don't recommend this one either.)
I've seen methods where you heat oils and herb mixtures in a wok, then slap it and smear it on your hands!
If you do it right, over time it will change your hand and (oddly enough) teach you to hit a certain way that's very powerful.
Do it wrong, though, and you might never be able to use that hand again!
External Results...
Internal Results
Some further warning...
Both of these methods can seem like simple shortcuts to developing a lot of power quickly. And if you really have it – it's easy, right?
These methods bring with them a commitment you may not be prepared for.
If you do either one for any length of time, they will change you. With upkeep, habit and ritual the benefits stay with you, and even increase over time.
But if you quit – even for a day – your hands will start to grow stiff. Take too many days off, and the stiffness becomes horrible aches and pains.
The power it gave you will quickly go away, and you'll be left with brittle, aching, stiff hands that you can hardly move, let alone use write your own name.
You can't miss a day – for the rest of your life. That requires some very serious lifestyle choices.
There's no guarantee your body will allow you to transition out of these practices without suffering long term problems.
So Is There a Better Way?
As a matter of fact, there is.
The Internal Combat Arts have ways of training Iron Palm, not just as a conditioning exercise, but as an actual skill.
If you want to learn Internal Iron Palm, I can show you EXACTLY how to do it.
The Ultimate Training Guide to Internal Iron Palm
Internal Iron Palm in 100 Days
Deadly striking power without sacrificing your health
"The results of this training are powerful and unmistakable." -Matt Holker
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What Is Internal Iron Palm in 100 Days?
This is THE BEST guide on the market to learning real Internal Iron Palm.
I put a lot of effort into making a clear, concise guide to training the methods passed down to me by my teachers.

The Internal Iron Palm includes secrets shared with me by many masters I have learned from in my decades of constant study.

You will not find this information out in the open anywhere else – because few people have it, and even fewer are willing to part with these secrets.
It is NOT a history lesson on "where Iron Palm came from."
It is NOT a guide for how to break your hands "a little bit" every day.
It is NOT some 4 hour demonstration to sell you on a live workshop.
This IS the complete training for Internal Iron Palm
If you put in the work,
the results are EXTRAORDINARY
What You'll Get:
  •  Steel Wrapped in Cotton: How to build the soft, heavy palm that transfers shock DEEP into your target. Steel Wrapped in Cotton is one of the most important steps to Dim Mak.
  •  The 5 Minute Method: The quick and simple method to begin training that lets you build slowly -- or maintain what you have with minimal training time every day.
  • The 20 Minute Method: The real meat of the training- how to get the most out of your training without risk of injury.
  • Packing The Energy: How to build bone density and pliability- keeping you strong and healthy into old age.
  •  How to avoid "Course Hands": Most Iron Palm training makes your hands stiff, rough to the touch, and grossly swollen. This training shows you how to avoid turning your hands into meat hooks.
  •  How to Check Power with a Partner: Breaking materials on a daily basis is neither good for your health, or you wallet. We'll show you a simple way to check power using a partner that doesn't end up putting him in the infirmary. 
And That's Just The FIRST Disc!
Advanced Training After 100 Days will take it to the next level
Iron Forearms that CRUSH bones and BUCKLE knees
It doesn't end with the hands- You can learn to use the same method to build FOREARMS, ELBOWS, and SHOULDERS
Deadly Fingertip Strikes With Full Body Power
How to strike with the FINGERTIPS without hurting your self- and still deliver FULL BODY POWER
How to land 4-6 FULL POWER Strikes per second
Iron Palm COMBAT APPLICATIONS, and how to strike so fast your opponent CAN'T STOP YOU
So What Are You Waiting For?
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